Thursday, May 19, 2011

Capacitors: Introduction

CAPACITORS are devices for storing electric charge. They are also known as CONDENSERS

Capacitance is the ability of the capacitor to store electric charge. 
C is the symbol for capacitance in an equation.
Farad (F) is the unit of Capacitance.
Capacitance values are very small so these are the common units that are generally used.
  • Microfarad (μF)
  • Nanofarad (nF)
  • Picofarad (pF)

Farad is the unit of capacitance.

 1.Polar Capacitor:
It has positive and negative terminals like a battery

2.Non-polar Capactor
It has no polarity.

3. Variable Capacitor
Their capacitance can be adjusted to different values. 

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